Caring for your children
More than ever, busy parents need support. When parents come to the Y for a class, group activity, or workout, their kids need a safe, enriching environment where they can build healthy, trusting relationships with other kids and adults. In our nursery, children ages 6 weeks to 3rd-grade play under the supervision of caring, trained Y staff. At the same time, their parents are able to relax, connect with other Y members, and enjoy healthy activities at the Y
Nursery 2024
The Quincy Family YMCA is here for all ages. Our nursery provides care so parents can rest at ease knowing their children are being taken care of while they enjoy one of our many classes or get a workout in.

Nursery Hours
Monday to Friday 8:30am to 11:00am
Monday to Thursday 5:00pm to 8:00pm
Saturday 8:30am to 11:00
- Please take child(ren) to the bathroom or put on a dry diaper, prior to dropping off
- Hands must be washed and child must be clean.
- Child(ren) must wear socks if shoes are removed.
Daily Fees
FREE for Family and Single Parent Family Members
Non-Members must pay $3 per child to utilize the nursery.
Y Nursery Policies and Procedures
Sick Policy: The Y Nursery requires children to stay home if they don’t feel well enough to participate in daily activities or require more care than the staff can provide. The daycare policy also lists specific symptoms that would warrant a child staying home.
Diarrhea Policy: If a child is experiencing diarrhea, that may be a sign of a more serious illness and another reason to stay home from daycare.
Vomiting Policy: Please keep your child home if they are experiencing any vomiting.
Our YMCA staff will do the following steps to ensure other children do not get sick and your child is comforted until he or she is picked up.
- Keep the child away from other preschoolers and adults
- Clean up any vomit immediately with a bleach solution
- Have the child drink clear fluids, such as water or ginger ale, to prevent dehydration
- Monitor the child closely for any other symptoms

Toddler Gym
It’s a great way for toddlers to learn social skills and burn off some energy! Toddler Gym is available on Thursdays from 9:30am to 11:00am and is FREE in June and July!
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